Monday, 11 May 2020

Living like a local

Tourism has changed over the years from the standard package holiday, the worldwide web is now full of travel blogs and rough guides. The success of Airbnb and its various copycats reinforces the fact that many of us are looking for a unique or authentic experience rather than just two weeks in the sun.

A few years back I felt I needed a major change, life had become dull and predictable. I had some savings and was able to take a few months off work so was in a very fortunate position. I decided to spend time in Spain having enjoyed previous trips and felt that the passion of a Latin country would re-light my creativity. Over the months I travelled, I met many wonderful people not just Spaniards, but Americans, French, German, Dutch and English ex-pats, many of whom I still keep in touch with. I found that the same things matter whichever country you visit: family, health, work, pets and homes. We are all united in the things that are really important.

Living like a local and staying in a hotel are two very different things, what I gave up in comfort, I gained tenfold in experiencing the culture. I was invited into people’s homes, introduced to local foods and drinks, taught to speak the language, went to fiestas, markets, local dances, was taken on trips to the countryside and beautiful beaches. (Away from the typical tourist areas) The warmth of the welcome that I received will stay with me always.

If you can, even for one day, try eating in a local rather than a tourist restaurant or hotel. Or visit a small village or town preferably on market day when these small places really come to life and you will meet some wonderful characters!

I don’t know when I will be able to travel again it could be a year or more from now but the memories of my travels will stay with me in my heart forever.

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